Episode 2 - buying reddit upvotes

Follow up on the recent bogus Guccifer2.0 analysis and look at how a PR firm 'hacked' reddit to generate 5 million page views. link to the google cache for the HackPR article: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rGmQFErEWB8J:www.hack-pr.com/library/how-we-hacked-reddit-to-generate-5-million-media-impressions-in-3-days
Follow up on the recent bogus Guccifer2.0 analysis and look at how a PR firm 'hacked' reddit to generate 5 million page views. link to the google cache for the HackPR article: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:rGmQFErEWB8J:www.hack-pr.com/library/how-we-hacked-reddit-to-generate-5-million-media-impressions-in-3-days
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